Document Your Baby’s Milestones with Picky Sticky-Giveaway
February 21, 2011 By Abbey Approved

One of my favorite sites 'Abbey Approved' is having a giveaway for Picky Sticky. I am so excited! I wish I would have known about these guys for my last 3 kids and pregnancies. I'm definitely wanting some for my next pregnancy and baby. I'll have to get some older kid stickers to more easily document my sweet girls ages!

Picky Sticky makes sets of stickers that are the perfect size for a little bitty belly. The stickers comes in sets of 13 so you can document your babies growth from birth up until their first birthday. Picky Sticky even makes sets for older kids for each year and sets for moms to use to document their pregnancy. So stop by Abbey Approved and enter the giveaway!!
So fun!

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